Thursday, September 24, 2009


After spending the afternoon talking about universities and scholarships the task of chosing and applying to university seems like an ever bigger task than I thought. I thought it would be quite straight forward; I would pick the university I liked and with the right grades get accepted. Unfortunatly not, there's admission averages and forms and applications that all come into consideration before getting guaranteed a spot into a university. The first step is chosing where you want to go and that includes your willingness to move away from home. Is it worth it? Sure there is the guaranteed feeling of being free and the adrenaline rushes from parties and amazing experiences. On the contrary, stressing out during exam week without having your mom pamper you so everyting is at ease won't necessarily come with the benifits of living alone, and especially not something you would expect from a room mate. Let's say I decide to move to Vancouver anyways, how will I afford it? There is always Mom and Dad to pay for school but after realising what dorms are like I will need a car to get my self from my off campus house and the university. I now have to buy a car and pay for insurance and gas, a lovely sum of money added to my debt. So i once again ask my self why move far away? According to many it's because I need to get out of my little town and experience the real world. Speaking of the real world what is the real world really like? They all say it as if their are big scary monsters that I need to watch out for. With that said I think I will be spending more time slaying monsters than studying considering the paranoia i will go through.


  1. Great thoughts puneet
    I'm rather confused about universities as well, but hey atleast we're out of here!
    So many questions needing to be answered.. hopefully we have our answers soon.
    Time seems to be flying by I can't believe it!

  2. Well Puneet, from reading your paragraph, it seems like you are thinking ahead of time and getting prepaired for the "real world". When you leave Penticton you will finally be away from your parents...unless the follow you where you go and move there. I think you should reconsider the thought of buying a new car. We all know how good of a driver you are. The only reason I say that is to save lives, and other cars from getting damaged. You also dont need to worry about the monsters that are out in the "real world", because you will eventually adapt to the scary thought that you have now.
