Thursday, September 24, 2009


After spending the afternoon talking about universities and scholarships the task of chosing and applying to university seems like an ever bigger task than I thought. I thought it would be quite straight forward; I would pick the university I liked and with the right grades get accepted. Unfortunatly not, there's admission averages and forms and applications that all come into consideration before getting guaranteed a spot into a university. The first step is chosing where you want to go and that includes your willingness to move away from home. Is it worth it? Sure there is the guaranteed feeling of being free and the adrenaline rushes from parties and amazing experiences. On the contrary, stressing out during exam week without having your mom pamper you so everyting is at ease won't necessarily come with the benifits of living alone, and especially not something you would expect from a room mate. Let's say I decide to move to Vancouver anyways, how will I afford it? There is always Mom and Dad to pay for school but after realising what dorms are like I will need a car to get my self from my off campus house and the university. I now have to buy a car and pay for insurance and gas, a lovely sum of money added to my debt. So i once again ask my self why move far away? According to many it's because I need to get out of my little town and experience the real world. Speaking of the real world what is the real world really like? They all say it as if their are big scary monsters that I need to watch out for. With that said I think I will be spending more time slaying monsters than studying considering the paranoia i will go through.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top 3....

If I had to chose my top three favorite comfort foods I would chose, ice cream, pasta and choclate. I am ranking them in accordance to taste, their time to cook, and how easy it is to find them. To begin with ice cream is one of the best comfort foods, it is not only delicious but has a great texture. It takes no effort at all, all you have to do is go to any grocery store or corner store and dig in with a spoon. Ice cream is surely a delightful experience; only it's cool creamy silk like texture can brighten my rainiest day. Second of all, pasta is definitly my food choice when I want to take a break from eating healthy and exercising. Nothing feels like the comfort I get from indulging in a plate full of spaghetti and tomato sauce mixed with herbs and garlic. It only takes about 25 minutes to throw together and no matter where I go I am usually bound to run into a place that sells pasta and tomatoes. Last but definitly not least is chocolate. No matter what day of the week it is choclate is always a must. Wether it be a handful of chocolate almonds or a milk chocolate bar, it will without a doubt make me feel amazing. It's cheap and accessable enough that not only can I eat it as a comfort food but even as a treat on any given day. These three foods are deliciously comforting and always seem to find me when I need a bit of a break.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be able to teleport myself to different places. Can you imagine that as a superpower? You could be anywhere whenever you wanted within a matter of seconds. The world would be completely different. There would be no use of airplanes or other methods of transportation and the police wouldn't be the number one person to go to for a crime, it would be me. My superpower would definitely be the handiest tool for crime fighting. I would be able to teleport myself from different places so quickly, which would result in me saving more people. As well, when most crimes are commited, thieves always escape before the cops arrive. With teleporting myself to where the thieves were, there wouldn't be any need for a car chase and the criminals would be caught red handed. Also,without a car chase the roads would be much safer because there would be less speeding. Criminals would think twice before robbing someone because they would know they could be caught in the act.

On top of all that can you imagine having the power to be anywhere at any given time? Imagine being on top of the Eiffel Tower one minute and then on the beaches of Hawaii. You could accomplish so much more in life because there would be alot more time on your hands. Traveling the world could be done within a day. I could teleport myself to a early morning jog in Central Park and then off to a day full of skiing, ending with a relaxing evening watching the sunset off the ocean. Life would be completely different. The amount of money a person would save would be countless. All the money spent on cars, gas, and traveling could go to other causes such as helping the needy. This would also mean less work and more time to have fun. Teleporting would be the most thrilling superpower; I could be anywhere I wanted.