Friday, October 9, 2009


In the novel," The Book of Negroes" distinct scars are engraved into the skin of the main character. It is believed that this process of scarring, called scarification, is a form of beauty and gives African people their status as a human being and an adult. Scarification began with African tribes purposly scarring their skin tissue in order to leave tribal carvings. It is also said to be a form of showing courage due to the pain involved when scarring is performed. Throughout a women's life she may be marked repeatidly when she goes through certain stages in life; such as puberty and pregnancy. It is believed by many African's that the more carvings you have the more appealing a women is to men, and also states that she can withstand extreme pain such as child bith. In Aminata's case her half moons are symbols of her religious background which is Muslim. These religious carvings can help distinguish one's ethinic background from another when language barriers are an issue. Scarification is still present in today's society in forms of tattooing and body peircings.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, the way the culture is so very different from ours. We would never think of carving designs and patterns into our skin, especially our face, but it is extremely beautiful to the african people. Very good information.
