Thursday, October 29, 2009

Journal # - The Book of Negroes

While reading the novel, I made a strong connection with the quote, " The pain of my losses never really went away. The limbs had been severed, and they would forever after be missing. But I kept going. Somehow, I kept going " (pg. 351). This quote is true for many people, after everything has been lost it may feel like nothing is going in the right direction, but it is always important to keep hope.

In today's tough times with the changing economy many people have lost incomes, and jobs and their stability. Like Aminata they may feel worthless and be disappointed because the person who may have once been the breadwinner for the family, now has no income. Aminiata is forced to survive off of other people's donations and take jobs that are well below her potential. This is true for many people today as well. Previous corporate workers are working in the service industry after many years of being major CEO's etc. Even though they may not want to have to work in such circumstances, they are forced to do so because they have to keep going in order to put food on the table. As well, with lower incomes families are going into debt, and the only thing helping them make it through these tough times is hope.People have to believe that after hard times there will be better days and the struggles they have been through will help them be better person.

1 comment:

  1. This is very true.
    I agree that Aminata is still motivated to move forward even after all that has happened.
    Your connection is very understandable many people believe that the small things that bother them most, was nothing compared to what Aminata had gone through.
