Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Road Less Traveled

I think being passionate about your job is a key to success in your life. Being passionate about what you do on a daily basis will help you be a happier person, after all what is the point of just going through emotions when you can't feel them? For instance a person who looks forward to work will be more willing to go above and beyond what is expected of them than a person who's just there for the money and bolts through the doors when the clock ticks five. I don't want to be somebody that wakes up every morning hating what i have to do for the rest of my life. A job isn't just something you do to make money, its who you are and what you will be doing for the majority of your life. If i had to chose right now what i wanted to do I would say something to do with business or law. I think both those careers require hard work in order to be successful and I am willing to do that. My ideal job would be somthing that I can support my self and maybe even be my own boss.

Next year I am hoping to go to SFU, and start a degree in business or criminology. After that if I became really passionate about business I would persue a career in that and if not I would love to go to law school and study corporate or real estate law.

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