Wednesday, January 6, 2010

If I had the Power To Change Something.....

If I had the power to change something in the world it would be the lack of education in third world countries. In order for society to evolve and grow the public has to be educated and be knowledgeable about what is going on in the world. Building schools and implementing such a change would help eliminate poverty and child labour. If children were taught to read and write it would enable them to find jobs and get themselves out of poverty and be able to provide for their families. With an education they can also educate others and help their communities prosper. As well, education is not only important for youth but furthermore for women. Educated women will be key in improving lifestyles for the young and old because in developing countries women most often run the household. In addition, education and knowledge will greatly help women achieve equality. In many countries women are still considered lower class than men and due to that are not able to enjoy the same luxuries. It will help them be independent by getting a job and earning their own money. Due to this, there will be no need for women to depend on men, which would decrease violence as well as vulnerability. Ultimatly, the addition of schools and eduation in developing countries are the most important changes needed in the world. A strong foundation will benifit the present and the future.